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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Faith Is...


Faith is planted in
hopes and dreams
its written in the stars
and can be endless,
it seems

Faith is lived
each day by the one
who remembers what hope is
from dawn til' setting sun

Faith is reminding yourself
all the while
when you wan
t to sink down
stop, think and
then smile

Faith is what tests us
when the hard times fall
when you wonder how to get through it
keep the faith,
above all

Faith is the knowing
that comes from inside
when the climb seems
impossible, in faith,
I’ll abide

Lynn West
(c) July 29, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2012

Finding Your Truth

Finding Your Truth

Knowledge is a wonderful thing,
yet the truth you tell yourself may
not always be the reality in others

What you know deep inside,
your level of integrity,
the way you respond to
your life choices, treating others
with kindness, those are the
important values you should
instill in yourself
(in my humble opinion)

When you listen to your heart,
sometimes it wants what it wants,
that is human being human,
I suppose

But when you trust your
inner voice, rely on it,
believe in your instincts,
then you will find your
own truth, for your soul
will never lead you astray...

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Trusting Silence

Trusting Silence

Take me in the silence
of the night, when the
stars flame our passion
and the moon guides
our way

Touch me where no one
dares, to my very soul
and when I surrender
to thee, you will know
how love is supposed
to be, as we glide
through the heavens
toward ecstasy...

Come this very night
and have your way with
me, lend your ear to my
soft whispers of the
way our lives shall be

Trust in the destiny
that has been afforded us
and never again will
you feel alone....

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dawn's Early Light

Dawn's Early Light

Dawn came
sweet and slow,
rolling in smooth,
like the softness
of a woman's skin

Birds singing to the morn,
day's light breaking anew
just before the sun
began its burst of color
and spread it's fingers
of warmth toward the Earth

I lie in bed in total
acceptance of what
this day shall bring,
the gift of life, the
ability to be the best
me that I can be,
all over again

Believe in yourself
trust in your higher
power and know
that today is not
just another day...

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Be the Path

Photo "Milford Track" used by permission courtesy of Agawatessengaw'is

Be the Path

In this path we walk,
sometimes we are side
by side and other times,
my friends, we are
thousands of miles
apart, yet still
you are by my side,
holding my heart
and bringing me joy

When you learn how
to open your heart
and leave the fear
of rejection behind

When you allow
acceptance to be
your creed, respect
of all beings,
great and small

When you acknowledge
that every person is
entitled to their own belief,
even if not your own

Then you become
attuned to the
meaning of being
the path


Lynn West
(c) 2012