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Monday, December 8, 2014


Sleepless nights and
restless days; oh soul
what do you seek??

Your other half
that walks afar
or is he hidden,

Does he wander in
dreams at night
searching for me too?

Dreams bring us closer
and guide us to
the path of souls renewed
v My soul, so filled with passion,
spilling over into each verse
that I pen

Longing for that one
whose face lights up
when I walk in the
room, simply because
he knows I am his
and his alone

I long for kisses so slow
and sensual that they erupt
into passion and fire so strong
that clothes are removed
with a frenzy

I yearn for his body’s weight
on mine as I feel him slip
inside and that “oh yes” moment
takes over; satisfaction that
can only come from lover’s,
body and soul

A melding that shakes you
to the core and leaves
you breathless and spent,
yet longing for more…

Lynn West
© 2014

Second Chance

Second Chance
He said he was so sorry,
but he really wasn’t sure
what he’d done

He didn’t remember all the
phone calls, all those words,
that Devil of the Sun

I thought about it for
a while, his plea for
a second chance

My heart felt this was a
good man and so we
started our “dance”

And when our lips touched
for the very first time and
his eyes met mine

I knew he was giving me
the chance to be happy
and to shine

And so this chapter has begun
with the Devil of the Sun

Whose to say where it will
lead with a MoonAngel
as his “one”

Lynn West
© 2014