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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mesmerized Morning

Mesmerized Morning

Perhaps I'll sit out here all day,
coffee in hand, as I revel in the splendor
of birdsong, wind and warm sun
upon my face

I'll walk the stone path and feel the dew,
fresh upon my feet, whilst the wind chimes
play my morning symphony

Maybe I'll watch the bees buzz all day
or the butterflies as they dance about on air

Wait, do I hear the train rumbling by? And look, is that a chipmunk, scampering over to try and steal breakfast while my doggy isn't looking?

Hopefully I'll catch a glimpse of an elusive hummingbird as he searches for nectar

And if a dragonfly visits, I know I will be
charmed, for they are rare in the garden these days

But no matter how I spend my day, I'll be ever thankful for this mesmerized morning

Lynn West
(c) 2011

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