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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Night's Bliss

Night's Bliss

Stars surround me,
deep inside the Milky Way,
I twirl and dance,
to the beat of my
lover's heart

Moon's glow as bright
as the dawn, while our
naked bodies, attune
to the symphony of
the other's touch

Inside this realm of
twilight, desirous
souls come together,
flesh to flesh, lips to lips

Til' long into the
morning, when dew
has dropped her
glorious prisms
and we slumber

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Garden of Delight

Garden of Delight

Would that I
could bottle
the feelings
I get from
being in nature

For there is no
greater elixir
in life, tis pure
inner peace and
I wish it for the

Innocent chatter
from birds busy
at nesting or soaring

Dancing butterflies
I am told are angels
in disguise

Scampering chipmunks
hurrying not to be seen
as earthworms do their
job while ladybugs light
on my shoulder

Wind blows lightly
through the trees
and I know my
garden is a sacred
haven for all who
enter here

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Red Hawk

Red Hawk

Hallowed ground
trampled with no
remorse for unearthed

Ancestor's dust returns
to the four winds and
the grandmother's
prophecy is fulfilled as
red hawk speaks
on a higher plane
than many can
ever comprehend

Painted ponies find
no graze when
humans stop
being human
and the world
forgets it's worth

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Winged Symphony

Winged Symphony

Dancing to and fro,
air ballet in flight,
winged angels
visiting me, tis
such a wondrous

They stop for just
a grain or two
and then fly off again,
soaring through the
air without a care or whim

They sing for me a symphony
from way up in the sky
and as I toss a few more
seeds, I watch bird angels fly

Lynn West
(c) 2012



I seem to have
drawn up the
moat of my
very existence

My mind turned
inward to live
with my thoughts,
which are twisting
like so many rooms
in a maze of an old
ancient castle

No reflection shows
back in my mind's
mirror, merely
the ghost of my being
gazing back at me

Pearl white dreams
cloud my brain
and I find it hard
to muddle through
the foggy mist

Reaching deep
into the stillness,
I know I must
find myself

Experience tells me
that the dark waters
are cold and lonely
and I push back
from the brink
into total sunlight

Ahhhh, when I
arrive from dream's
door, realization that
the dream was no
more than that, I
ponder it's meaning
and am ever thankful
for the circle of hope
that surrounds me,
the beings of light
who guide my path
and the knowledge
that when one stumbles
helping hands are
ever there, supporting,
lifting, loving, being,
in the light of soul sisters

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Touch me in the darkness,
with fingers of pure flame

Kiss me with your tempting
lips, hot as molten lava

Feel my body open to
welcome your impasse

Move with me as a
ship to storm, wave upon
endless wave

Hold me close, no closer
still, make me part of you

Make love to me forever...
and then just one more day

Lynn West
(c) 2012

Photo used without permission unable to locate photographer but full credit be given for this glorious shot

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dream Carriage

Dream Carriage

And into the night I ride
in a carriage made of dreams

To the Castle of Merlin
in the Land of Nod
where I truly am his Queen

Down the tree lined lane
the castle comes into view
and my heart beats ever faster

I stop at the moat to look up
as the hawk soars above

White steeds draw my carriage,
all regal and proud, as I yearn to
reach the door

When the carriage stops,
the old door of the castle
swings wide and light glows
from inside

The light is that of pure love
unconditional, non-judgmental
radiant, calming, soothing light
and standing there with open arms
is my Magic Man, at long last, waiting
for his MoonAngel, his one

His arms enfold me, his embrace
pure gold, eyes like diamonds blue,
his lips are my rubies, his touch
my true life-force

And as he holds me tight, I know
our time has come, at last,
pure ecstasy will be mine and
the gods will surely tremble,
for now the dream carriage
has disappeared and I am forever
his in the land of you and me,
joining souls, for eternity

Lynn West
(c) 2012

It's never too late to believe
that dreams can come true...

Photo used without permission

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Simply Joys

The best things in life really are free… to name a few:

 good friends

 nothing is sweeter than a baby’s laughter

 a hug from granny

 a butterfly gracefully fluttering by

 catching a fish

 a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day

 watching a cat stretch after a long nap

 sunrise or sunset, especially on the beach or watching from a mountain bluff

 wildflowers

 prayers being sent up - or better yet - being answered

 the face of a child on Christmas morning

 leaves changing to those glorious fall colors

 memories

Lynn West 1/9/2002