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Thursday, January 26, 2012



I seem to have
drawn up the
moat of my
very existence

My mind turned
inward to live
with my thoughts,
which are twisting
like so many rooms
in a maze of an old
ancient castle

No reflection shows
back in my mind's
mirror, merely
the ghost of my being
gazing back at me

Pearl white dreams
cloud my brain
and I find it hard
to muddle through
the foggy mist

Reaching deep
into the stillness,
I know I must
find myself

Experience tells me
that the dark waters
are cold and lonely
and I push back
from the brink
into total sunlight

Ahhhh, when I
arrive from dream's
door, realization that
the dream was no
more than that, I
ponder it's meaning
and am ever thankful
for the circle of hope
that surrounds me,
the beings of light
who guide my path
and the knowledge
that when one stumbles
helping hands are
ever there, supporting,
lifting, loving, being,
in the light of soul sisters

Lynn West
(c) 2012

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