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Monday, January 14, 2013


Take me to the edge
and set me adrift
on the calming waters of
dreamland's lulling sea

Where I'll rock in
the gentle cradle
of slumber's motion,
swayed by my mother's hand

Let me sleep that peaceful,
childlike rest once more,
known only to the innocents

Sing me to snoozing bliss
with your nature's lullaby
til my eyes are heavy
from the sandman's fairy

And as the moon shines it's light
and the stars faintly twinkle
in the night's sky,
shut down my thoughts,
whirling round in my head
as I toss and turn in my
lonely bed

Rest me, Great Spirit
as only you can, for
I come to you once more
with an outstretched hand

Rock me gentle on your
shoulder as you whisper rain
and I close my eyes to rest
this night, blessed once again

Lynn West
(c) 2013

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You say the things we feel and can't figure out how to say for ourselves. Thank you for sharing your writing with us, Lynn.